Wednesday, March 16, 2016

St. Patrick's Day Treats

We love to make treats for our friends for the holidays.  This year we made sugar cookies and chocolate-mint suckers and packaged them for giving.  I hope they bring our friends good luck!

Recipe Review: All-butter Pie Crust

I decided it was time I learned how to make a good pie crust.  I asked my friend who pursued the pastry track at culinary school to recommend a recipe.

Here is the recipe she recommended.  It was a bit time consuming but yielded a crust that was both crisp and tender.  I even ate the crimping, which I usually leave on my plate because it tends to be tough.

Pie crust is a lot of work. I will probably still buy Pillsbury.  But now I have a recipe and the skills for those special occasions when I have the time and devotion to make my own crust.