Friday, April 17, 2015

Cheese of the Week - Gruyere and Gouda

I was inspired by my recent cheese tasting party to continue to try new cheeses (and re-try cheeses I haven't had in awhile).  I need to expand beyond my typical colby jack (and my beloved lacey swiss & colby that Trader Joe's no longer carries...sniff sniff).

First up:  Gruyere

Having studied French for many years, gruyere was part of my vocabulary but I have no recollection of actually eating it.  Gruyere is a hard cheese that originated in Switzerland and has a nutty flavor.  It was okay on a cracker, but absolutely brilliant in an omelette with leftover Easter ham!  Gruyere is known for being a great cheese for melting and I cannot wait to buy it again to try on a grilled cheese sandwich and in a quiche.

Next up:  Gouda

Gouda is a semi-hard cheese that originated in the Netherlands (Holland) and has a sweet flavor.  Gouda's creamy texture is wonderful on a cracker.  A friend of mine recommends the caramel-washed gouda from Trader Joe's -- I will need to try that!

More cheesy blog posts to come!

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